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The events and current happenings of my daily life. (because I KNOW all you people want to hear ALL about me *rolls eyes*)


I'm currently at work just wasting away and playing games on my phone, waiting for Robert to create a portal for me to start filling up. I'm hoping I can hammer on the grunt work of this portal for most of the weekend and get some extra hours in so one of my later checks will be a little heftier and I can afford to do a bit of work on my car. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I purchased a car last week, it's a 1968 Dodge Coronet Deluxe. It's 100% original, but needs a little restoration and a little bit of engine work to be properly roadworthy.

So...the password change utility I've been fighting two weeks to get working? It changed my password on the Test server today. Once. Then I spent the rest of my day tracking why attempts to change my password again kept failing. It turns out that my boss and numberous coworkers that assured me that there is no minimum age requirement for our test password were all wrong, there is an age requirement of 24 hours. This means I have to contact my boss (which I did) and wait for him to reply and tell me what to do about this (basically just asking permission to change this on the Test server). During all the research I did to find out that Test requires you to keep a password a minimum of a day, I found out that Test shares 0 password criteria with the DMZ or Production...We have 3 different servers with 3 different Active Directories and NONE of them have anything in common with how long passwords stay good for, how long they store your old passwords, minimum password lengths, NOTHING. Stupid corporate America...

After almost three years of inactivity, I have reactivated my page and will try to resurrect it from here. I'll be dumping much of the content (like all of the previous Latest News updates and the Updates section entries) and will be (hopefully) adding alot of new stuff to the page and restoring it beyond it's former glory.

Have fun reading all this, I know you have nothing better to do with your life.