Okay, I get it, the name of this section is gay. Who cares? I just created this page because I was bored to death and had nothing better to do so........yeah........enjoy.
English Alphabet A- Ay B- Be C- See D- De E- E F- Ef G- Gee H- Aych I- I J- Jay K- Kay L- El M- Em N- En O- O P- Pee Q- Kyew R- Arr S- Es T- Tee U- Yew V- Vee W- Double Yew X- Eks Y- Wy Z- Zee Military Alphabet A- Alpha B- Bravo C- Charlie D- Delta E- Echo F- Foxtrot G- Golf H- Hotel I- India J- Juliet K- Kelo L- Lema M- Mike N- November O- Oscar P- Papa Q- Quebec R- Romeo S- Sierra T- Tango U- Uniform V- Victor W- Whiskey X- X-ray Y- Yankee Z- Zulu Spanish Alphabet A- A (short "a" sound) B- Be (bay) C- Ce (say) Ch- Che (chay) D- De (day) E- E (long "a" sound) F- Efe (ef-ay) G- Ge (hay) H- Hache (a-chay) I- I (long "e" sound) J- Jota (hota) K- Ka (kah) L- Ele (el-ay) Ll- Elle (el-yay) M- Eme (em-ay) N- Ene (en-ay) Ñ- Eñe (en-yay) O- O (long "o" sound) P- Pe (pay) Q- Cu (coo) R- Ere (air-ay) Rr- Erre (roll the "r") S- Ese (essay) T- Te (tay) U- U (oo) V- Ve (bay) W- Doble Ve (dah-blah bay) X- Equis (eck-ees) Y- I Griega (ee gree-ay-gah) Z- Zeta (zay-tah) German Alphabet A- Ah B- Beh C- Ceh D- Deh E- È F- Eff G- Gag H- Ha I- Ee J- Yot K- Keh L- Ell M- Emm N- Enn O- Oh P- Peh Q- Cue R- Err S- Ess T- Teh U- Oo V- Veh W- Weh X- Ixx Y- Epsilon Z- Zett French Alphabet A- Ah B- Beh C- Ceh D- Deh E- Ehr F- Eff G- Zshay H- Osh I- Ee J- Zshee K- Kah L- Ell M- Emm N- Enn O- Oh P- Peh Q- Cue R- Airch (throat clear) S- Ess T- Teh U- Uoo V- Veh W- Doobleveh X- Ixx Y- Eegrek Z- Zed Latin Alphabet A- Ah B- Bah C- Jah D- Dè E- Eie F- Fa H- Ha I- Ee K- Kah L- Lee M- Emm N- Enn O- Oo P- Peh Q- Cwei R- Rdrdr S- Sss T- Tah V- Uue X- Xxx Y- Yah Z- Zzz