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Redneck Christmas
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A redneck rendition of "The Night Before Christmas."

Was the night befoe Chrizmus an' all over th' hill
Evathang wuz quiet ('cause ole man Rampey done shut down th' still).
Them yunguns wuz wallerin' all theys beds
While snowballs an' funnel cakes danced in theys heads.
Me an' my ole lady wuz feelin' pertty dandy,
Cause we'e just polished off a quart o' peach brandy.
When all of a sudden I herd such a fuss
I ran out on th'e porch an' yelled "Ya'll dawgs gotta hush!!"
Then ober yonder, what did I see,
A biiiiggg Chevy 4X4 comin' at me!
It swerved an' it slid, almost hit my ole junker car,
An' I sez to myself, that dude's drunk, he's been hittin' his own mason jar!
He slammed on the brakes, barely missed one o' my hawgs
Then I realized, "That truck's bein' pulled by eight coon dawgs!!!!"
They bayed an' howled, an' scratched at they fleas,
They sounded like they had a big-un run up in th' trees
I looked at the driver, an' couldn't believe my eyes!
He looked like Dale Earnhardt in a Santy disguise!
Dat big ole 4X4 was black with huuugge flames,
An' as he got closer, I heard him call them dawgs' names:
On Wilbur, on Cleatus, on Bubba an' Norma Jean,
On Bobby Ray, on Rufus, HEY Tiny, don't hump on Darlene
He hopped outta dat truck an grabbed his big sack
So I turned round' quick an runned in my shack
Under da' tree he put all our stuff
And I knowed right away we'd been good sho nuff!
New teeth for Grandmaw, and for Grandpaw a bunch of blue pills,
He left my ole' lady some new spandex and sexy high heels
My yunguns got all the WWF super stars,
An' I got Dale Jr.'s new collegtible tin car.
He dranked that Bud and ate his Slim Jim
All that free beer, man I wished I wuz him!
He grabbed up his sack, and went for th' door
Then opened the fridge an' dranked one more
As that big ol' truck roared outta sight
He said with a laugh, "Hope that viagara works an' you get some tonight!!!!"