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You've been playing Runescape too long when...
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Runescape is an on-line server RPG game. These are a few signs that you have been playing it a little excessively.

You know you've been playing Runescape too long when...
  • You change your social security number to match your attack, defense, and strength skills, and it fits.
  • Someone cuts you off and you start shouting "SCAMMER!" down the freeway.
  • You get a system message saying "You have been standing in this spot for five years, please move to another area!"
  • You get a system message saying "Welcome to your (mining/fishing/cooking/crafting) spot."
  • When someone doesn't seem to know you, you know they're a newbie.
  • Your parents call you down for dinner using your character name.
  • You see a man named Andrew and you bow down and worship him.
  • You receive junk mail addressed to your character name.
  • You begin referring to authority figures as admins.
  • There's a spot reserved for you in every building you go to.
  • You don't need the online map...for anything...ever.
  • You give people directions to anywhere by number of steps.
  • The server takes ten minutes loading your character.
  • You wonder why all walls are not paper thin.
  • You get robbed in real life and you look for a man named Moderator to help you out.
  • You find a penny on the ground and then wait there thinking it will respawn.
  • You wonder what your "age" is.
  • Your clicking finger is the strongest muscle in your body.
  • You are at McDonald's and ask when the net burger respawn is.
  • You are at McDonald's and you fight just to talk to the attendant.
  • You brag about having played xxx amount of hours.
  • Instead of saying, "Wanna take this out on the street?" you say, "Wanna take this to the wilderness?"
  • You ask your friend in real life if he wants to go pk in the wilderness after school.
  • You dress up as Alchemon/Bluerose13x's character for Halloween.
  • The ass grooves on your computer chair are now permanent.
  • You don't just have an ass groove on your chair, you have a mouse groove on your hand.
  • You ask a priest in real life if you can use the altar to recharge your prayer points.
  • You hear an announcement in school and you say, "I just saw a system message!"
  • You try to rearrange the periodic table to include mithril, adamantite, and runite.
  • Trying to run from a schoolyard fight, you have to wait for the data to be relayed from the skynetweb.com server.
  • Somebody dies and you say "What did he/she lose?"
  • A police officer arrests you for assaulting three innocent men and you say, "I was just training!"
  • You get an injury and begin eating apple pies and pizza thinking it'll heal you.
  • You're held at gunpoint and you tell the gunman, "Go ahead and shoot me! I'll only drop five dollars!"
  • You go to the nearest bank and wonder where the item bankers are.
  • You steal the cape off your little brother's Batman Halloween costume for the extra armor point.
  • The theme of your new wardrobe is pale green.
  • You need a new car and start calculating how much iron and coal you need to mine to build it.
  • You consider a mithril car instead.
  • You see someone in a dark brown suit and you think "newbie."
  • Your boss asks you if you know how to kill scorpions and you ask him, "Level twenty-one or level thirty-six?"
  • You try to deposit pizza in your bank account.
  • You try to buy a pickaxe from your co-worker because you can't remember where the nearest pickaxe spawn is.
  • You keep bumping into people because you think you'll just pass through them.
  • You have this urge to beat up security guards, farm animals, and short people whenever you see them.
  • You go to the store to buy some beer and try to figure out which one will boost your stats.
  • You need flour so you get some pots and try to find a wheat field.
  • You get confused when your bread recipe calls for more than water and flour.
  • When in school, you write your Runescape name instead of your real name on your homework.
  • When you can truthfully say, "Full rune armor? Yeah, I can make that."
  • When you have more friends on your friends list than you do in real life.
  • When you go to your back yard and prospect each rock looking for coal.
  • When you cook something and wonder how much experience it was worth.
  • You just finished your chores and you wonder how many quest points you got for it.