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Your Runescape character might be too strong if...
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If you looked at the other Runescape related joke page, then you already know what Runescape is. These are signs your character may need to lay off the steroids.

Your character might be too strong if...

  • When you're at low health and an entire inventory of anchovie pizzas can't heal you fully.
  • All the players in Runescape try to attack you and suddenly there is a huge crowd at the respawn spot.
  • You have your own server.
  • When Andrew pays you to play the game.
  • When you are able to blackmail Muahahaha into giving you all his stuff.
  • You have your own colored dot on the map.
  • Just for fun, the admins send a message to every player killer when you enter the wilderness.
  • Your character is part of a quest.
  • Your quest points are in the triple digits.
  • You leave all the highest prayers on, fall asleep, come back the next day, and they're still going.
  • The dragon doesn't get three rounds to run away.
  • Andrew follows you around all day to "find your secret."
  • People try to blackmail you in real life for your password.
  • Other players make character names that start with yours.
  • You create a holy symbol of yourself.
  • You kill everything in the wilderness with one shot from a pheonix crossbow.
  • Your entire inventory is made out of rune, even the tinderbox.
  • Just for fun, you invite newbies to the wilderness and let them kill greater demons when you get them down to one hitpoint.
  • You can cut wood with your hands.
  • You log on and the servers crash.
  • Greater demons are green to you.
  • You kill someone and it deletes them instead of sending them to Lumbridge.
  • Casting water strike creates a new lake.
  • The anvils can't take the shots from your hammer.
  • You cast weaken on your opponent and he goes into a coma.
  • You cast fire blast and the ice cave melts.
  • You're the reason they took away the player killing system.
  • Your fighting stats hit triple digits.
  • You log in and everyone else logs out.
  • You walk into the wilderness and it's deserted.
  • You can kill greater demons with a bronze sword.
  • You start inventing your own spells.
  • Other players pray to you.
  • Monsters never get three rounds to run when you attack them.
  • You walk up to the greater demon spawn and the crowd parts to let you pass.
  • You turn on protection from missiles, go into the wilderness for a 2 hour killing spree, and when you return you still have prayer points left.
  • You're the best in every skill on the server status.
  • You suffer a nasty 15 second lag and come to surrounded by rune large helmets.
  • When Bluerose asks to buy something you made.
  • When Alchemon offers to be your bodyguard.
  • When there is an action of "Do not allow people to follow me" made just for you.
  • When Bluerose can't hit you with a spell.
  • When Andrew asks you, "What would be challenging for you?"
  • When the server status refuses to put your name on it because it discourages people from playing.
  • You can't find anyone to fight in the 48th level of the wilderness.
  • For fun, the mods ask if they can gang up on you.
  • You log on and people start sending their passwords to you.
  • You killed the dragon and you didn't gain a level from the quest.
  • You can open locked doors with your hands.
  • All rats and spiders in a 30 foot radius of you die instantly when you walk past.
  • You have fletching and herblore levels already.
  • Andrew goes insane trying to create a monster you can't kill.
  • Instead of seeing the "Attack" option in the wilderness, people see "Don't even try it, pal."
  • Your combat level is written in scientific notation.
  • You go to the black hole experience withough a disk and come out fine.
  • Imps start tipping you off as to who took which bead, and where you can find them.
  • The altars pray to you.
  • You kill a monster and it doesn't respawn.
  • Alchemon begs you to log off so he can be on the server status.
  • Greater demons take strength potions to fight you.
  • Oziach doesn't bother wasting your time and just gives you the rune full plate.
  • You ARE the server status.